
L&T has decades of experience in providing solutions to the energy industry, offering critical equipment manufacturing and EPCIC/PMC services for reputed Indian and international clients in Oil and Gas, Thermal Power, Renewable Energy (Solar and Hydel Power), and Nuclear Power. The company has over the years helped India and the world meet their past and present energy needs. 

Having been at the forefront of providing innovative and sustainable engineering solutions, L&T is aligned with the global movement towards use of renewable energy and adoption of clean technology, which will help meet India and the world’s future energy needs. L&T is positioned to add value in the fast-evolving Green Energy space and emerge as an industry major. The next growth engine for the company is Green.

As part of its ESG commitments, L&T has pledged to achieve water neutrality by 2035 and carbon neutrality by 2040. Further, L&T’s climate leadership targets of LAKSHYA-2026 need us to reduce greenhouse gases footprint for us as well as our clients by approximately 300 tonnes/annum. L&T’s Green Energy Business with its focus on Green Hydrogen, will be an integral part of the Company’s clean fuel adoption policy, and will be essential to fulfil our ambitious Carbon and Water neutrality targets.  

National Green Hydrogen Mission 

The Government of India has launched the National Green Hydrogen Mission that seeks to incentivise the commercial production of green hydrogen and make India a net exporter of the energy carrier. 

The mission has laid out a target to develop green hydrogen production capacity of at least 5 MMT (Million Metric Tonne) per annum by 2030. This will allow decarbonisation of refineries, city gas-grids, fertilizer, petrochemical, steel, and other hard-to-decarbonise sectors; reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels and feedstock; develop indigenous manufacturing capabilities; create employment opportunities; and design new technologies such as efficient fuel cells. 

L&T is committed to supporting the Nation in this mission.